No child shall participate in League play without a medical release form from the current year, birth certificate, and a YEAR END report card being on file with the League.
ONLY the League will determine placement of a child on a team.
The decision of a medical professional on whether a child should continue to participate is FINAL. No parent, coach or player shall over rule the medical professional.
No refunds will be given after 1st day of practice begins (August 1) some consideration will be reviewed on case-by-case basis.
Each family will volunteer 1 shift, per child, during home games to work concessions, gate admission, 50/50 raffle sales, clothing sales, site setup and clean up, chain gang, announcers, scoreboard etc. This schedule will be conducted by the team Moms of each team and coordinated with snack stand coordinator.
Any parent wishing to volunteer (i.e. Team Mom, Snack Stand, etc.) that is directly in contact with the children must be able to pass a Background Check.
All Paperwork and required payments due must be made by required deadlines or players will be removed from participation.
No parents are allowed on the practice or game field at any time. Only SCPW and MEPW certified Coaches and EBoard members are allowed on practice and game fields.
There is absolutely NO SMOKING at or near the practice space or game fields.
All Players/Cheerleaders and Parents will abide by the Code of Conduct.